Food Safety for Catering Level Two
Ideal for all food handlers and accepted by EHO.
Back up storage: area of focus direct cross contamination
Direct cross contamination quiz
Back up storage: Area of focus requirements for bacterial growth.
Back up storage quiz
A recap and tips for fridge safety
Back up storage task
Introduction to indirect cross contamination
Indirect cross contamination
Examples of indirect cross contamination
Cross contamination
Cross contamination controls
Two exercises to download which relate the course concepts to your business. Select the exercise which is most relevant to your role.
Cross contamination controls
Personal hygiene exercise
Personal hygiene standards and the risks of poor hygiene
The law regarding food handlers
Personal hygiene task
Personal hygiene quiz
Introduction to Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning symptoms exercise
Food poisoning quiz
Course recap
The affect of temperature on bacteria
Focus on temperature
Introducing the temperature task
A reminder of the turkey
Temperature quiz
Buffet temperatures
Buffet quiz
Allergens: an update in legislation
Allergen quiz
Introducing the allergy and buffet task
Examples of pests
What to do if you discover signs of pests
Reducing the risk of pests
Pest task
Pest quiz
Examining the structure
Structure quiz
Structural task
Cleaning and disinfection quiz
Checking cleaning standards
Cleaning task
Due diligence and paper work
Checking paper work task
A final goodbye