Level Three Health and Safety in Hospitality
This course covers all of the learning outcomes in the Highfield Level 3 Health and Safety course. Learn how to manage safety in a catering business and comply with the law.
Introduction to Law and Enforcement
Who enforces the law?
What happens if we break the law?
Law quiz
Introduction and important concepts
Evaluate, avoid, reduce
Specific regulations
Law and enforcement summary
Regulations Quiz
Introduction to Accidents and Occupational Ill Health
Accident factors and statistics
Accident Triangle
Accident Reporting
Occupational ill health
Accidents and occupational ill health quiz
Introduction to Plan, Do, Check, Act
Planning quiz
Introduction and risk assessment basics
Qualitative, quantitative and dynamic risk assessment
Generic, site specific and other risk assessments
Introduction to 5 Steps
Step 1 and 2
Step 3: Evaluate risks
Step 3: Decide on controls
Step 4 and 5
Managing contractors and emergency arrangements
Safety Culture and communication
'Do' summary
'DO' quiz
Checking safety standards
Check quiz
Act quiz (one last question!)
Course Summary